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The supervisors were Ar. Rahul Sen Design and Research guide and Prof. Moti Bahri Design and Technology guide. Furthermore this work has not been submitted for any degree in this or any other University. On completion of the report in all respects including the last chapter by the candidate and based on the declaration by the candidate hereinabove, we forward the report to the Department to be placed in the library of the School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi.
This thesis in particular has been a result of several vital inputs, critical insights and unquestioned support from all around. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude for everyone who helped me along in this, often rocky journey, and kept me motivated. First and foremost I would like to thank my family.
My parents have been laborious editors of this book and my sister has been a constant source of joy and admiration. Over the years, I have had the privilege of interacting with many great teachers — each of whom have shaped and helped me grow, in their own ways. I would like to start by thanking my Thesis guides — Ar. Rahul Sen and Prof. Moti Bahri. They took out innumerous hours to discuss the project at every stage, master thesis rfid, and master thesis rfid their rigorous discussions kept me at my toes all along.
I would also like to thank my thesis co-ordinators — Dr. Jaya Kumar and Dr, master thesis rfid. Aruna Ramani Grover — who were a constant source of inspiration and always present for insightful discussions. This thesis was also shaped by critical insights by many other teachers along the way. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Ar.
Sandeep Kumar and Dr. Leon Moreanas — for going out of their way to master thesis rfid listen and guide me in the correct direction in the critical stages of the project. I would also like to thank professionals who took out their valuable time to guide me. Sheel Dwiwedi, designer at Innov8, was of immense help in teaching the design standards and realities of co-working spaces. The officers at the Delhi Public Library were also extremely gracious in providing me with vital information regarding the project.
They also engaged in long conversations regarding the realities of the library system in Delhi — the various opportunities and challenges. These conversations played a huge role in my understanding of the project. The thesis was also greatly influenced by the support and guidance of many seniors and friends.
Projects by Abhimanyu Singhal, Michael Vivian Ekka, Nishita Mohta, Kabir Sahni, Riddhi Batra and Anant Mital were a constant source of guidance and inspiration.
Discussions and suggestions by Anant, were really helpful in shaping the design and outlook of the project. A constant source of motivation and happiness were my friends — who despite going through their own battles and hardships, were always there to pick me up and act as my support system. I would really like to thank - Sharon Sabu Mathews, who has been a constant source of happiness, strength and inspiration.
She was the best sound board for bouncing new ideas and the biggest supporter reminding me to keep pushing forward. Spending the last months of thesis in complete isolation was a thought that was extremely daunting but was eased by the constant support of Ananya Bajpai, Isha Parate, Akash Mandloi, Manasa Nandini, Richa Singhal, Rozanne Jojo, master thesis rfid, Mantavya Agarwal, Madhan Kumar and Shubham Dudhoria amongst many others. Conversations with them not only helped ease the pressure of the workload but seeing them excel, also inspired me to keep doing my best and pushing forward.
A system which is not often recognized or appreciated but forms the very backbone of the project. I would really like to express my deepest gratitude to Aparna, Sanya, Jayanth, Himani, Akshita and Anant, master thesis rfid their tremendous work and constantly having my back at the oddest of hours.
A special thanks is in order for Ananya, who not only aced his own thesis, but simultaneously helped this project as well, master thesis rfid. I would really like to apologize if I missed out any names but the list of people I have to thank is endless. I would be forever indebted to them. These past years have given me mentors in the form of friends who have made this journey extremely memorable.
Thank you all so much! Preface Let me come clean. But as fate has it, Ive fallen in love with them. Well, master thesis rfid, with their design atleast - their layouts, master thesis rfid, their covers, master thesis rfid, the fonts, master thesis rfid, the feel of the embossed title on the cover.
Hopefully a day will come where this love extends to the contents inside as well. But as a child, I found this odd, limited love — a very hard thing to express. I liked being around books but not necessarily read them. Invariably, master thesis rfid, I got dragged along to the numerous visits to the bookshops and libraries.
Seeing a spark, my excited mother laboured immensely and signed us up for the British Council library and it was perhaps the best thing to have happened to me. In a hope to get us into reading, she opened the gates to a space which was till then, master thesis rfid, unknown to me. My sister quickly found numerous novels she was craving for but I, I found something better.
A place with trees and building I liked and an AC hall with a red, bean bag bathing in the sunlight overlooking the courtyard — ideal. After school, in the scorching heat of the delhi summer, master thesis rfid, I would rush to this corner, pick up the brightest book, quickly flip it around and enjoy a merry nap.
Long tables and even longer rows of chairs — all under a dull blue light. I never really took to reading, but navigating the stacks became a fun maze adventure. The other vivid incident, from where I started to enjoy these visits- was going to the Oxford Bookstore — then located on the second floor of the Statesman house in CP. The long, complicated stairs leading up to it always fascinated me and made me curious. After all, now I knew the trick — find the kids corner and grab that small seat before anyone — how hard can it be.
But upon entering, a different feeling overtook me. Right from the door, master thesis rfid, the huge glass window gave you an undisturbed look of the CP rooftop and bathed the entire store in sunlight. Unlike the British council — there were no walls of books interrupting you here — the place was filled with couches, bean bags and sofa chairs. I completely forgot about the kids section and raced towards the view.
Probably the first time I experienced change in levels — master thesis rfid it provided a whole different outlook to a place I had seen and been multiple times before. Slowly, master thesis rfid, I had found my own types of books. The criterias for selection remained simple — Pretty cover, manageable thickness and loads of images.
What started as comics and graphic novels, over time developed into design books and biographies — with loads of photographic supplementary content. But unknowingly this criteria landed me in quite a soup. You see where my sister was able to purchase 3 or 4 of her novels — my one 50 page comic still costed more than her cumulative spending!
I was taken aback. I had to slowly come to terms with it and learned to prioritize and judge — whether this one master thesis rfid worth flipping and worth keeping. Luckily, due to my lack of interest in actually reading the written pieces, most of them were deemed as worthy of just flipping. So browsing through the bookstore developed into a beloved hobby.
When I joined architecture school subsequently, I was thrilled to find out about another gateway drug — architecture books! It fitted my selection criteria perfectly — master thesis rfid better still — classified as doing coursework. Loads of pictures and drawings master thesis rfid a paragraph attached decoding that complicated stuff for you — it was a gem. But much like the comics, it brought it spoils along with it aswell.
Instead of 3 figure digits, these sported a 4 digit figure — way, way too much for any gold that it may have contained. But their access was free. The library was free. I would spend hours here flipping through colourful worlds of Japanese houses to Brasilian churches.
It became a place of refuge when things started to feel overwhelming in the studios above and there was hardly anything architecturally interesting to motivate you, master thesis rfid. Over the years, these incidents have shaped my love for books and libraries. But instead of the romanticized idea of library as the place of all knowledgelibrary for me was a different experience.
Where internet gave the details, data and the important difference of opinion — the library provided the crucial keywords one had to enter while searching for all that data.
And the fact that books — specially architecture and design books — are so expensive and yet fairly quick reads, made the library - a free open source to access them — seem more master thesis rfid more valuable in my eyes. The sad state of libraries around us and the even sadder attitudes and opinions about them amongst every one of us leads one to wonder — where did it all go wrong? Can architecture improvements fix them or do we need to re-imagine their identity, master thesis rfid and purpose?
If these libraries can serve as hang out spaces for the young aswell as the elderly abroad, why do libraries here reek of dust and silence? Master thesis rfid indeed.
What follows in the upcoming pages in a tribute to these spaces which have given me numerous memorable experiences. And in adherence to the unspoken pain of actually reading texts like this, master thesis rfid, I promise to keep this book as graphic and engaging as possible!
Aniruddh Sharan April, Abstract This project proposes a new typology for a public space - a cultural center anchored in a public library. An extended space that integrates multiple functions and serves as a cultural and knowledge hub, the library is imagined as a public place which is vibrant, relaxed and open to all.
The project operates at three levels. First, it reimagines the functions and spatial features of a public library. Instead of endless stacks of books, it proposes multipurpose spaces, spatially interspersed with additional facilities — fostering congregation and multi-disciplinary discussions.
Second, recognizing the growing disconnect between limiting cultural institutions and the general public, master thesis rfid project proposes a spatial configuration that can bring multiple functions together, combing library space with other components such as co-working spaces, galleries and performance spaces. In doing so, it proposes to make the center active on a regular basis, hosting unique events on an irregular basis while staying relevant and useful for the daily use of the residents nearby.
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