Sample Deal Sheet REPRESENTATIVE MATTERS Corporate Finance Represented JPMorgan in connection with a $ million P&A facility to MGM. The deal requires a special and complicated structure to avoid the debt covenant breach under its existing corporate facility agreement. Involved in drafting and negotiating term sheet, credit agreement File Size: 59KB SAMPLE TRANSACTION SHEET - CORPORATE JOHN JONES Summary of Selected Transactions Capital Markets Represented a NASDAQ-listed television broadcasting company in the following transactions: Debt restructuring, which included a Missing: attorney SAMPLE DEAL LISTS & REPRESENTATIVE MATTERS CORPORATE & LITIGATION Recent Matters Land Acquisitions and Sales Representation of residential developers in more than separate acquisition and disposition transactions for property throughout the state of California. Representation of a master developer of a 5,plus unit development in the
Sending a Transaction Sheet with Your Attorney Resume | blogger.com
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Already a subscriber? Sign in here. Representative Matters Lists and Deal Sheets. Font Size Small Medium Large. Summary: You need to have a list of cases you have worked on or deals you have helped close to show law firms what you have done. Learn more in this article. Here are some examples: Representative Matters List Successfully defended leading international consumer products manufacturer in class action alleging products liability and misrepresentation causes of action.
Secured multi-million dollar verdict on behalf of oil and gas company executive in sexual harassment and gender discrimination lawsuit. Secured acquittal for former partner of major accounting firm accused of securities and insider trading violations. Won summary judgment on behalf of defendant motion picture studio in high-profile copyright infringement action involving rights to reality television show.
Successfully argued precedent-setting case in [state appellate court] on an issue of first impression involving vicarious liability of municipalities for certain torts of their employees, attorney resume deal sheet.
Represented private equity fund in its significant minority investment in new media company based in the U. Organizational Structure There is no set attorney resume deal sheet for organizing your Representative Matters List or Deal Sheet. The key is to come up with a structure that meets the objective of highlighting your accomplishments. Generally speaking, anything high profile or high value in terms of dollar amount or legal issues involved should go near the top.
After all, you are trying to impress your reader, and being involved in high stakes matters is impressive. You can also group information by kinds of cases or deals. For example, if you are a litigator with a number of wins in both copyright cases and general commercial litigation, you can cluster your cases under those topical areas, attorney resume deal sheet.
Similarly, a transactional lawyer might list his or her major deals under the headings Secured Lending listing traditional credit agreements and Structured Finance listing asset securitization transactions.
You can also group matters or deals by the different firms where you worked or even chronologically. Whatever organizational structure you choose, it should have an internal coherency and include all your most impressive work.
Someone should be able to glance at the list and within a few seconds understand that you have a proven track record of success in specific areas of law, attorney resume deal sheet. Length and Format There is no set page limit for a Representative Matters List or Deal Sheet, attorney resume deal sheet. However, you want everything to look as professional as possible. If your list is one page with a few extra lines spilling over to a second page, attorney resume deal sheet, try to tighten things up so everything fits on one clean page.
If you are planning to circulate your Representative Matters List or Deal Sheet attorney resume deal sheet with your resume, you should use consistent formatting and fonts in both documents. Mid-Level Attorneys Representative Matters Lists and Attorney resume deal sheet Sheets are not just for partners.
If you have enough years of experience to have amassed significant accomplishments in law then you should have a Representative Matters List or Deal Sheet.
You just want to ensure that you accurately portray your role in the matters and deals you describe. Less senior attorneys can modify their entries as follows: Assisted in successful defense of international consumer products manufacturer in class action alleging products liability and misrepresentation causes of action; responsibilities included participating in all phases of discovery, defending key depositions, attorney resume deal sheet, and preparing pretrial documents.
Second-chaired federal court jury trial on behalf of plaintiff in sexual harassment and gender discrimination lawsuit in which plaintiff won a multi-million dollar verdict. Confidentiality Issues When it comes to client matters, you must always be mindful of confidentiality issues.
But being an ethical and responsible attorney does not mean that you necessarily need to keep everything secret for all time. If a court case you worked on is a reported case then you can use the party names and you should also include the citation. However, if you are unsure, simply err on the side of caution by using the more generic language in the examples above. You can still describe substantive work product without naming specific people or entities.
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SAMPLE DEAL LISTS & REPRESENTATIVE MATTERS CORPORATE & LITIGATION Recent Matters Land Acquisitions and Sales Representation of residential developers in more than separate acquisition and disposition transactions for property throughout the state of California. Representation of a master developer of a 5,plus unit development in the More events. Contact Texas Law Texas Law. East Dean Keeton St. Austin, Texas () Give to Texas Law Connect with Texas Law Sending a Transaction Sheet with Your Attorney Resume By Emily Sanderson Including a representative transaction sheet as an addendum to your attorney resume allows you to provide more detail about the legal transactions you have conducted throughout your career. Usually one or two pages, the sheet lists
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